I'm a service technician with over 40 years experience. Saw a service request from Bobby Jones Electronics on a contract for hire web site. They wanted me to change the color engine in a Mitsubishi TV. I entered a counter offer since I live in Holly Springs and the TV was in Tupelo and $53 was below my cost. The initially refused but getting no takers they came back as agreed to pay $100. I went to Tupelo only to find the home closed and no one there. I asked for an additional $24 and they agreed. I made a second trip. Called their support line and disassemble the TV installing the color engine. When I called back for reassembly I got no answer. Left Tupelo agreeing to return the next day. When I went back and called support about routing cables I was told to pack up go home. Three trips Holly Springs to Tupelo and they refuse to pay me after they called off the service call after I was there. I'll never take another call from them. I'm going to call an attorney to see what my options are.