Horrible older lady working in there (Mean, rude and BITTER)! Do not go there. She was telling me things that didn't make sense (And she is not on medication that I could tell, just a nut job or very bitter in life). She was putting me down as soon as I arrived (And I was so polite), while another man came in with a broken glass pendant shade. This BITTER woman started on him with her negative, mean and odd behavior! He was shocked! I stepped in to ease the situation after she very meanly and negatively told him she doesn't carry what he needs and he'll never, ever find it. I told him I saw that exact glass pendant shade at Lowes hardware store and he thanked me. I suggested he take a photo of his other matching pendants (A photo of the complete set), and take it with him to Lowes. He said that was a really great idea and thanked me and left a little bit happier after encountering this bitter woman. The bitter sales lady at Lampshade Gallery went off on me for solving this mans broken pendant problem, and she blew up like you wouldn't believe! I was shocked and wish I had my iPhone video going, so I could put it on YouTube for the world to witness. If you go in there, I suggest you record your experience with your Smart phone video from the moment you arrive (Seriously!))! I immediately went from being polite to firm with her and I put her in her place by telling her I don't appreciate the way she has been speaking to me! I raised my voice to her levels and hers were always rude, loud and inappropriate since the moment I first encountered her. I told her to get her light bulbs out of my lamp because I am going to leave! Further, I told her firmly ""You are mean!"" and I took my lamp and headed for the door. On my way out, I shouted back over my shoulder that I would not recommend any of my clients to her or this store! Seriously, she needs to go to hell! Don't shop there and don't recommend this place to anyone. You can get everything you need for your lamps on the internet! : )