Incorrect installation damaged the structure of my home. They refuse to correct the damage. They ignore phone calls and emails.\r
In December 2010 Superior Water & Air installed a tankless water heater and a new water softener. Only one person was sent to do the entire installation. He drilled holes in my existing beam next to a weight-bearing wall and about 1/2 inch from the bottom of the beam. This resulted in weakening the structural integrity of my house. After failing Orem City inspection twice they got an engineer to say ""although reduced in strength, the joists still meet minimum requirements for this span."" It took several phone calls, and almost a year, to finally get a copy of the letter from the engineer. I was never able to get a copy of the calculations by the engineer to find out how much the strength of the joists was reduced. I am NOT willing to accept a weakened structure of my house, or the resulting lower value of my house. I have been too patient. I want my house fixed completely so it is just as strong as it was before Superior Water and Air damaged it. \r