I had the unfortuante luck of having to shut down my household water supply and call for service on Christmas Day with guests in the house. I accept that Roto-Rooter is priced a bit higher than my local plumber but was willing to pay because it was the Christmas holiday, it was an emergency, my local plumber was not available and the website said there was no extra charge for service calls on holidays. Unfortunately, when I called Roto-Rooter I was told that they would not be able to make a service call on Christmas Day. They offered an appointment on the following day. Since there was no water in the house I had to rent two hotel rooms for family and guests and schedule the visit for the following day. On that day David arrived promptly and resolved the issue within an hour. I give his service very high marks. I only wish there had been someone on call the day I needed the help so I did not have to inconvenience my guests and spend $200 on hotel rooms on top of the $255 for the service call. I understand that Christmas is a special holiday but do think it would be appropriate for Roto-Rooter to indicate on their website any holidays they choose not to work.