This is one of the WORST vet clinics ive ever encountered and im not sure if they are a clinic really, just a scam to make money off trusting caring unsuspecting people who need help for their pets. This isn’t just about them caring about money, they are a literal con…they will do NOTHING to resolve an issue, but just keep the owner coming back for more and more….and do nothing to help the animal. They are monsters..Once they see your pet has an issue, even a MINOR one and you have a willingness to spend money, they will price gouge you to no end. They wont diagnose the issue or resolve it, just keep charging more money, for nothing while your pet continues to suffer. They will keep wanting to do unnecessary testing unrelated to the problem. Their goal is to never resolve the problem, and have you keep coming back so they can keep making money off you. I feel like I was being conned by well skilled psychopaths. The tests never ended, the issues never resolved and not even a corre