I have been working with this company for a couple of months and all I can say is OMG. They are rude, disrespectful,condescending, they over talk when you're trying to say something. When they found out I record all conversations with them , they went crazy. This is because they have lied to me and treated me with just hate and disgust that I have to be able to prove it. They are now scared of what I might have on recording . They threatened to sue me for recording our conversations. They have NO idea what the laws are in reference to their business. They should know the Landlord Tenant Act backwards and forwards, since this is their business. They will argue and fight when they don't know what they are talking about. They are bullies. They can't keep their accounting straight. They now refuse to speak with me on the phone or meet with me in person as they are afraid of putting their foot in their mouth and me having in on record. They have threatened to sue me many times. They delete any work orders I put in. They even tried to extort a ""re-keying"" fee of 200.00. I can have this done at Home Depot for 40.00. They have slandered my name to contractors, landscaping and pest control. When I spoke with these service providers they had never spoken to this person who said this. She told me that I was rude to the point the contractors didn't want to come to the home. Which is totally false after confirming with these people. They told me they have never spoken to the person who lied to me about this.Which is slander and deformation of character . I would recommend to anyone dealing with this company to in fact RECORD everything. Arizona is a ONE party state. As long as one person , i.e. yourself, knows the conversation is being recorded, it's not against the law. Yet they are threatening to sue me for this. I'd actually like to meet a lawyer that would take they case knowing the state law in reference to this recording a conversation issue. As I stated before. RECORD every conversation with them. You'd be surprise how it will help when or if things go to court .