Elements Home Remodeling resurfaced our deck, meaning they removed and redid all of the boards you walk on. The railings were completely moldy and horrible, so they replaced those entirely. Our previous deck had gone down into a stone patio and wasn't built properly. It was also ugly! We had wanted to fix the deck anyway, then found out the steps connected to it would not have been easy to work around. Elements got those remodeled, too!
At every step of the way, they would communicate with us. They would tell us of any concerns or issues. With things that had to be worked out together, we felt we really got to make the decisions we wanted. The deck builder and the patio guy were such experts. When they saw that the grout between some of our stones had worn away and made them come loose, they very carefully and beautifully removed and cleaned all of those stones. Each stone was put back down in a perfectly wonderful pattern. If I hadn't seen a before and after comparison, I wouldn't have known about the old issues at all. It was replaced that perfectly.
I had two other quotes for the deck rebuilding. Mike and Elements impressed me the most and were extremely affordable. They weren't cheap, but I would not have wanted "cheap" if that meant settling for a quality level lower than what they had to offer. The quality was definitely there!