Our normal operating hours are from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM Monday thru Friday. Happy Paws closes 5 days a year in observance of national holidays and to allow our management team these days for holiday dinners with family.\r
The complainant below was told three (3) times (employee statement on file) that the company does not transact business Christmas Day.\r
On Christmas Day 2012 Mr. Williams arrived at Happy Paws Daycare and Kennel on or about 8:15 PM in the evening. He was observed to be unsteady on his feet and slurring his words. Mr. Williams pounded on the door in two separate clusters of knockings. Mr. Williams also ignored a very large CLOSED sign in the front door. The sign was at eye level, 86 pt. font size, all capital letters printed with black ink on white paper. \r
The owner was just preparing to sit down for Christmas dinner with friends and family and only opened the door because one last straggler was expected.\r
Perceiving Mr. Williams state (unsteady stance, slurred words) the owner attempted to explain that the business was closed (4th time) and the kennel was asleep. I should take a moment to explain that dog’s behavior is not unlike that of a 3 or 4 year old boy. Once the dog, or as in this case the entire kennel of dogs, is settled down and asleep waking the entire kennel for one out of line customer isn’t going to happen.\r
Attempting to explain this to Mr. Williams was pointless, he did not hear our operating hours, he was not listening then or now. The owner returned to his guests and Christmas dinner. I find to odd that Mr. Williams is overtly concerned about his feelings being hurt when he tramples all over the staff and management of Happy Paws.\r
Mr. Williams threatened to aggressively malign the management, ownership and operation of Happy Paws Daycare and Kennel. I warned Mr. Williams that he had best tread carefully – I would and will pursue with every legal tool any inaccurate assault on Happy Paws Daycare and Kennel. Mr. Williams received the services he paid for.\r
Happy Paws Daycare and Kennel has a reputation for the highest quality of care and sanitation. Our active customer base is 2,000 and growing. We excel by exceeding the customers expectations consistently.\r