The employees broke our ceiling fan during carpet cleaning. We did not attempt to turn the light back on until several hours after they had left, and therefore I had already paid with a check. \r
I called the owner to explain the situation. He asked what I wanted him to do. I explained that we did not know if it were the control, which is around $70, or the light fixture, which is around $120, that was actually broken. We would just have to try to find out, but we did expect his business to pay for the damage. \r
He said that he did not believe they caused the damage, but he could come by the following week. I stated we could cancel the check until he could come by, and we could figure out exactly what the damage was, and then write a new check. He immediately became belligerent and threatening. He refused to discuss any alternatives, and I had to eventually hang up the phone because he was so hostile.