Our cat died earlier this week at the age of nineteen and a half years. For his entire life, he was cared for at the Narbeth Animal Hospital. I could not envision any animal receiving better attention. For many years, the care consisted in routine, preventative medicine, which was invariably administered thoughtfully and kindly, and which seemed to keep pace with new developments in veterinary medicine. During the last two years of his life, our cat's health began to fail. He had serious bouts of anemia and finally fell prey to renal failure. It was during this time, that the Narbeth Animal Hospital demonstrated its highest levels of excellence. Dr. Stetz always managed to find the perfectly appropriate level of conservative care?the modalities that would help to prolong our cat's life without assaulting the quality of that life. She always showed patience in the face of endless questions and obviously cared personally about our pet?not hesitating to phone on occasion to in