I paid him up front for a resume because he said I could expect a near final draft within 7-10 days. THREE weeks passed and not only did I not receive the resume, but I did not even receive the slighest communication from Mr. Brubaker. I had to contact him, only to hear an excuse for the lateness. Then, he told me to expect the resume within a day. Sure enough, the next day, he had another excuse, ""computer was malfunctioning."" FINALLY, he sends it to me with apology, claiming to be a perfectionist, and that was why it took him awhile. The resume format was nice, but there were blatant grammatical errors all over the place. I guess his perfectionism has its limits. Honestly, I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND HIM UNLESS you don't mind doing business with a man who misses deadlines and makes you hound him to receive the final product. It's not worth the headache, in my opinion. He does have a pleasant personality though.