ATTENTION BEWARE OF RENTERS PARADISE: I think all the people on this thread who approved of this company must either be employees or are people who unfortunately do not realized how badly they got scammed. Renters Paradise and specifically Gigi Zinn are the biggest scam artist in the reality business. I am from Miami and have lived in Miami my whole life, I was looking for a new apartment so I checked craigslist and like all of you I saw all these nice places for good prices in neighborhoods that I wanted posted by Gigi Zinn. So I called her to try and set up a meeting for a specific apartment that I had seen, when she answered she seamed nervous and was asking me odd questions like ""have you started looking at any places yet"" I answered no and then later that day went to their north miami office to speak to her and hopefully look at a place. This is when I quickly realized that they were running a BAIT AND SWITCH operation. First she had me fill out an information sheet which asked for unreasonably personal information. Then asked me what the absolute most I could spend would be, I said 900 but ideally 800 because this was the price of the place I saw online. She then told me that that particular apartment was no longer available even though I saw it posted that morning. She then proceeded to push apartments in places that I didnt want to live on me. And then she said that there was one in San Souci where I wanted but for more than I initially wanted to pay. She then said that the only possible way I could get this place would be to put a deposit down that moment because there was another ""woman"" who she pretended to call that was interested in it. At this moment I obviously knew what was going on. I stood up and said alright i dont want to see any of your places and walked out. DO NOT USE RENTERS PARADISE