I have been going to Dr Davenport for 6 years and she is wonderful. I am sad to see people say that the front desk is not catering to their every need i have to say that they are just being ridiculous. If you leave any practice or need medical records from most places there is a charge for the records if you want them sent to you. If you want them faxes to the new dr. they are free. It is your responsibility as an adult to know what your insurance is and if there are issues then you have a cell phone call and fix it from the office. I know the type when i get to the office and I am patiently waiting you are the one that pulls up and then i am sure that you were talking in a nice tone to see how you could straighten the situation out. LOL you were the person that the minute they said there was an issue were being load and yelling at the people at the front desk - who probably have nothing to do with billing making a scene because you are that important. Get over yourself - thank you for leaving because i will not have to see you in the office.