BRING A BOOK!! This office is never on time and their fifteen-minute check-in time is a joke. In the beginning I always showed up when they requested, but after countless times of sitting there for 20+ minutes I decided not to anymore. Today I showed up at my appointment time, not early, not late. Only to sit there for fifteen minutes and be told that I would have to wait 30 minutes to be seen since they had taken the later appointment back. Ridiculous! Whether you are early or on time do not expect to be seen on time. I once waited over 45 minutes (after checking in fifteen minutes prior to the appointment as asked) with a sick toddler only to be asked if I could wait another 20 minutes because they were behind. Additionally, they are so booked that my son only gets seen by his physician 50% of the time, he has to see other doctors. Today was the last straw I stormed out and will not be going back. I DO NOT recommend this office at all.