very bad service!! First if all i never usually write reviews i just read them but today I took my 9 weeks old shih tzu there for a well visit and the vet was very rude! The vet tech seemed nice though. The lady at the front was not very nice either :/. The vet tech listened to my dogs heart checked him all over even gave him a rectal temp and he didn't mind BUT when the vet finally came in she just picked him out of my daughters hands and put him on the table without even talking to him..might sound crazy but they are kinda like a baby they need to be soothed if they seem scared. But no she just put her hands around his neck and tried to open his mouth. Well he didn't like that very much and he started squirming..she said "you need to start trying to put your hands around his mouth bc I'm not even touching him and he's freaking out" she was trying to check His soft palate. She just kept saying how he was "freaking out" so then she said I'll need to take him to the back and have someon