chiquitamelanie, the 90s were a long time ago...I just left my job there and I can tell you if things were good then, they are no longer so. In 2008 the Staten Island Advance published an article which you can find a link to on google which interviewed the neighbors of Lakeside Manor. The phrase out of control was used in the title. I dont know who owned it back in the 90s, but it is run by the Lustig family now. The place does have bed bugs and the staff is very callous in there treatment of the residents. The wallpaper is peeling from the walls in areas it does exist and the ceiling tiles have holes in them. I functioned as a social worker there and very many of the residents desperately wanted out. The residents have very long list of medications on there medication sheets and are threatened with being sent to the hospital if they do anything disruptive. The administrator is a bully.