In response to LivingLifeeee you must not know the manager well at all. I know her well and she has never had roaches or water bugs in her whole life. And you must not be able to count either. She does not have five cars and the one car she drives belongs to the company if it is any of your business. And again how do you know how apartments are cleaned and painted since you don't go in them and clean or paint or anything. Inspections, why worry about inspections if you are not guilty of something!!!! I have been at other apartments complexes and there all about the same and tenants like this is tenants that has nothing else to do but say things that you know nothing about and what people do in their homes is none of your business. Find you a hobby and don't worry about other peoples lives. Just maybe you could volunteer some of your time and do painting or something since you must have plenty of spare time in your life.