My first review I have been taking my golden mix, Teddy, to Trudy's place for grooming and the occasional boarding for the past 5 years. Today I noticed an enormous hotspot on his tail. He wouldn't let me near it to cut the matts out, so I called my vet to see if they could just shave him and how much it would cost. The vet told me that I would have to pay $60 for a check up, then additional $$ for the shaving and antibiotics. I've know from prior experience that this would run me close to $120 (I knew it was a hot spot and it's not infected...I just needed a shave). At 5:30, 30minutes prior to Ttrudy's place closing, I get the brilliant idea to call them to see if they could shave him. Jay answered the phone (as always) and told me to bring him right problem! He did a wonderful job of shaving the spot, and applied antibiotic to his tail. Best of all he didn't even charge me. Thank you and I will continue to use your services.