Just needed a $3000 dollar frig moved. They broke the clip for the bottom vent. Then did't have the toools to take the doors off. I did. Scraped the paint throught the doorway. On the dolly droped it down a half flight of stairs. Damage was done to the wall. I asked the person in charge for an accident report I bought Ins throught them. He walked 10 feet away called his boss I think and said I was being an a--hole. After telling me he would leave it on the side of the road. Finally got it to my house I would not let them bring it inside I did not want the same damage as my sisters house so had it put in the garage unassembled. I refused to pay asked to talk to thier Boss or call the Cops. They did nither. I kicked them off my property. The owner was going to call the next day haven't head a word since. Uprofessional Group of JERKS.