Well, Well, well......Isn't it strange how someone could leave a review on here only to have it mysteriously dissappear?? In case some of you missed my review that is no longer here......I had an experience with mrs. betsy hendley in Dalton when she worked at an animal hospital there. (lower case name because she does not deserve capitals....) To make it short and sweet.....this person is a viper and has the heart of a king cobra!!!! She has no simpathy for your animal or you as well!! With her it is only about the money and your feelings and love for your animal don't mean squat to her!!! She will be nice to you.......as long as you shell out the cash. Try telling her one time that you don't have a job and can't afford the surgery (which by the way was unnecessary anyway) and see how kind she is then. Her suggestion for you will then be to simply put your pet down and she is willing to do it right then for you. (because it is fast and easy money) You can erase my reviews all you want