My new spouse and I needed to get to the airport and back from San Mateo with lots of luggage for our 3 week honeymoon in Spain. After finding several cab companies that only advertised pickups in SF and cities north of the airport, we finally found this company just over in Foster City with several good reviews. I admit, it was partly the name that inclined me to choose them (being a fan of LOLcats). We made reservations for both trips and gave them times and flight numbers. They were on time and courteous (though not overtly friendly) for the pickup, loaded all our luggage, and got us to the airport in plenty of time.
On the flight back we actually landed early and called them to check on where to meet our driver. Even though we were nearly half an hour early he was already on his way and got to the airport before our luggage was out. He waited for us in the cell phone lot and we made arrangements for what section of the curb we would be at. There was some minor confusion with the airport cab coordinator trying to waive us into line but when we shouted ""we reserved this one!"" he backed off and let us load. This driver was actually friendly and chatty (but not too much, which was good since at 24h awake I wasn't up for making a whole lot of conversation) and got us home in good time. The cost of the trip was similar to what a group shuttle would have cost and without the having to wait for other folks to be picked up and dropped off. I would definitely call Ur Cab again.