First time I found about 72 Degree service in Cary, NC was from a service van in my neighbors drive way.
I asked the technician to stop by after his job and he did. The man, like me was a veteran and greeted me with a firm hand shake and a smile.
That was the beginning of my experience with 72 degrees and that was more than 4 years ago.
The service is affordable, I have the annual maintenance so it is a repeat charge every month spread out over the year and I get two service calls plus a discount on any necessary repairs.
As with any business you meet some employees that are better than others. Those that don't make the grade dont stick around like the ones I have come to know. Dan is my friend and expert technician.
I rely on his expertise, recommendations and advice.
The company has never failed to respond to a reasonable request.
My only complaint is it takes weeks to schedule an appointment in the busy parts of the season so you know their is a demand for the service they provide.
I am a pleased customer.
Scott CDR US Navy retired Naval Academy Grad and submarine commanding officer