A good friend of mine threatened to sue this vet practice unless they refunded all monies spent there. The practice refunded the money rather than go to court. It centered around the negligent veterinary practice of a Dr. Nicole Jordan and a Dr. Douglas Wojcik. I feel compelled to share this on behalf of my friend in order that justice be done. My friend signed a document saying she would not make websites about the place telling the story in exchange for her refund. The facility wants to protect it's ""reputation"" but that's the problem. People have the right to know the truth about a veterinary facility before they put their pets lives in it's hands. There is nothing stopping me from speaking on behalf of my friend and frankly nothing stopping her. She can if she wishes leave a review or things of the like. She only agreed not to make websites which name the facility or the doctors names despite what the document says that she signed. They would have a hard time proving ""damages"" in court if they wanted to go after her for publishing private information which she is entitled to. As a fellow lawyer of my friend, I speak with confidence.