I had thee great door opened for my self an my family to meet some awesome people , here, even, thu some of my stay here wasnt always pleasing, I still was able to have the blessing of, having the chance to working with some awesome people, had some eye opening things happen, one eye opener was when my child was 10 yrs, andshe was playing, andwalking , home from a, friends home, and a sex offender, that was watching her from his car waiting for her friends to no longer be around and he pulled up next to her and was exsposing his selfs to her and tried to pull her in the car, luckly I tought her from a young age about stranger danger , sh he ran to the nearest paver to find safty , everyone that worked and works here helped us makes sure this monster was gone from herrrre ac/dc is nd kite doing his time , we later fi kind for other girls that were out in the same situation as my daugther .nce this man wad gone it became a safer feeling fort my sekf and my daugther ... Life here can ber good if you love everyone ... For me I an a loving person and I try to be a peace maker type person .... That could be a goodd thing some times depending on who it its your trying to make peace with .I was lucky and blessed to get to know all thee women in the office, and saw a side of them not many say they see, I see so many different things being said about certain people that live here and some of the ones that work here and I just want every one to take the time to possibly just live and maybe not be getting in to every ones bizzness all thee time and take the timer to not tell so badly about others.and if we as a community come together to watch it for our fellow nieghborhood this place should be a awesome place , but our family sets back an watch and see nothing hutt fighting augering ,no forgiveness, and alit of gossip, going on and sometimes kids going out of their homes wanting to speak very unkindly , and they don't think about how they repersent their families to others that live here so I'm am praying for these things to get right so this will become less stressful on the workers here and the renters and home owners... We all are just trying to make it so the vandilzum that is going on could stop if we all would take the proper steps to help it stop, lord nows I love alit if the people I know here and just wish everyone wood do the same .... I'm sad I'm.leaving from here , because I will miss so many of the kids I know and love and the many different opinionated adults I kniw also, and I wish everyone the best , and pray that thee childish adults will open their hearts minds and eyes up to wat they have contributed to the bad that is going on and remember when all of our children leave or our front doirs they are reflicting us as adults.so instead of wanting to approach others with class action lawsuits everyone should turn the fouces and attention on what our kids are doing and help make this a better place...together wish everyone thee best and may