seriously this place is hell! my grandfather was in here due to getting MRSA in a hospital; workers are soo inconsiderate taking my grandfathers snacks that we brought him because the food was absolutely horrible! i wouldnt feed that sh*t to a dog! we had soo many items go missing including a tv; socks; underwear; bottles of pepsi; a tv remote; candy; a chain stating that my grandfather had Parkinson's disease. thats just a few to name the least. one month the nursing home decided to take my paps disability check! my pap had to stay here for close to a year due to the fact that my grandmother could not care for him. the nursing home never wanted to tell us that after the 100th day the insurance stopped paying,. we ended up signing him up for medicade; the nursing home declined to inform us we had to make a payment! next they tell us that we owe a $17,000+ bill! wtf we got him out of there immediately. still to this day i am receiving a bill for $19000+ guess what mother f*ckers you will NOT RECIEVE A DAMN PENNY FROM ME! I honestly hope they close the damn nursing home down!