ARS price gouges. I usually keep my cool even when I'm overcharged a bit, but I lost my cool here.
Replaced a tank kit on a toilet. They call it a ""rebuild"" like it's fancy - they're just replacing a kit. $20 tank kit, $20 hose, about 45 minutes of work. Weekday, non-emergency. $450 total.
I was quoted $292 by the tech which I agreed to assuming that the job must take at least 2 hours. About 10 minutes in, he says I need a separate hose also replaced and I say OK.
Less than an hour later, he's done, and presents me a bill for $450. Apparently, this 6 inch hose that can't cost more than $15 at Lowe's is $152 in ARS's markup catalog.
So the parts were about $200 by their catalog, and the work was done at a rate of $250/hour. First plumbing call I have ever had to make, last one to ARS for sure.