I saw Dr. Doan from the time I was 2 wks pregnant until almost 7 weeks. I had an ultrasound and bloodwork once a week during this time. My hcg was doubling, but each time I went in they were unable to see a sac. Kim Martinez (ultrasound tech) was always in the dark as to why I was having ultrasounds weekly, and most of the time didn't have my chart/hcg numbers. I expressed to Kim/Dr. Doan on multiple occasions that I was worried it could be ectopic, as I was having back pain as well. It wasn't until my last visit when I expressed concern for the 3rd time that Kim finally checked my tube and discovered I was right. 4 ultrasounds and they never even looked, even though my hcg was way above a level that you would see a sac in the uterus. By the time they caught it, my fetus had a heartbeat and I no longer had the option to ""flush"" my tubes. I had emergency surgery, lost a tube and had damage to my uterin wall. They did not do their job. It took Dr. Doan almost a week to call me once she noticed there was reason for concern ( which by my math would've been weeks before that). It was just a part of life that my pregnancy was ectopic, but it was their negligence that caused me to lose a tube. For the safety of you and your unborn child, please do not trust these people.