I rented from Labri management for 21 years. We generally had good management until Flor and Mike were our managers. It all started when I asked for a new stove and oven numerous occasions. I had also asked them to fix my closet because it had a bad mold issue, I also gave them a list of things to repair, mind you I've lived in the same apartment for 21 years. Never changed the carpet nor painted the living room ever. Asked numerous times for them to fix a leak that was in my kitchen that leak so bad I would have to keep a bucket underneath it. Raw sewage. I had spoke to other tenant as well this was an on going problem throughout the complex. So I decided to call Mr. Strickland to let him know that his management team would also walk around intoxicated in public. Which didn't bother him because nothing I brought to his attention was valid right. At that point the manager at my complex ask me about my visitors who enter my place and asked me if they live with me. I told her no. I didn't realize that we had to let them know who visits. No security doors either. Mind you this whole time either neighbors have at least 10 family members in a 2 bedroom next to me but never complained to management. At that point I was wondering why she asked me those questions. That 's when I recieved a notice saying that I had too many poeple living ing my place. I thought 3 people is too many when neighbor across the way has ten and below me had ten as well. At that point I realized that she was legally trying to remove me. Which was fine but when the managers husband directly says to my face its all about the money. It effects their bonus if they repair things in our apartment. But this is the kind of management that Labri hires with criminal records so they enter apartments without consent. The funniest thing is that when we left they had to repair all these items anyway. I heard that for the 1st year it was vacant and the last 2 tenants vacated within six months. Karma. They should of kept us there and fixed the damn place and listen to the complaints I had and just addressed them. Wise business move Mr. Strickland. Shortly after we left I heard management was fired.