The only reason this place got one star is because I have to click at least one. Everyone who has a puppy talks about how healthy they are. One woman said her puppy had mites but acts as if that is somehow normal because of the number of dogs. That is WRONG.
Everyone who buys a pup here is contributing to the suffering of EVERY animal used for breeding...PERIOD. We own one of the former breeding animals from this place. She was bred repeatedly until she was too old and they literally got rid of her. They took no responsibility for finding her a home, just had someone else come do it. This dog was tested and immediately found to be FULL of heart worms. Read up on heart is eventually fatal and the dogs suffer a great deal. The dog almost died...she went into cardiac arrest and the only choice was to give her a very expensive treatment. I have photos of this poor dog after her first treatment. She had to be put on pain meds and moaned for HOURS in pain despite the pain meds. There is a risk that she might not survive.
This woman claims to take ""excellent"" care of her animals, but here's a little tid bit for you. Heartworm preventative costs $30 for 6 months for a little dog. That breaks down to $5 a month. This woman sells puppies WITHOUT papers for $800, but can't spend $5 a month to keep the breeding dogs healthy? This is NOT an opinion, this is fact...she IS the reason animals are suffering, and some dying. If you buy a puppy from here you HAVE contributed to this suffering. ANY reputable breeder WILL let you see the parents to show that they are in good condition. Heartworm, mites, fleas, etc are NOT representative of dogs being well cared for.
I'm glad to hear that the puppies from this place lucked out and are healthy and happy, but they came from diseased, suffering parents. Ask Clayton Animal Hospital about tihs place. They are the ones now treating an animal that was used, abused and thrown away from this ""family run"" business. Family run doesnt mean they a heart, it just means daughter learned from mother how to make an easy buck while giving no regard to the suffering going on around them.
Again, look up heart worms. Read about the worst case scenarios. That is exactly what their breeding dogs are going through. This dog doesnt have ""some"" heartworms, here heart is literally full of them. Even with this treatment, there is the risk she will die. $5 a month was all it took to prevent this. Enough said.