BEWARE!!! I made the mistake of not asking how much the work was going to cost before he started to working on it and was charged OVER 600 for ONE DOOR. Here's the break down.
Single Deadbutt 98.00
Labor to drill holes and install 95.00
Entry knob 89.00
Labor to install 95.00
1 Wrap around 68.00
Labor to install 65.00
Key both lock alike 20.00 each
Service Trip 65.00
TOTAL = 615.00
(Less than 2 hours of work)
I've been using contractors lately and everyone has been pretty honest so my guard was down. I should have asked for an estimate before the work. Call me crazy but this seem pretty ridiculous. For some perspective, I'm having a wall built in my living room and the contractor with 2 other guys have been working on it for 5 full days (frame, drywall, paint) and that only cost me 2100.00. I got ripped off and sharing so it doesn't happen to other people.
I'm recommending www.torrancelock as a locksmith now for Torrance