That's pretty bad when the Labor Department has to contact a company to pay an employee for hours worked. At this point, they'd undoubtedly pay someone for work done rather than suffer penalties. It makes me wonder how many prior to me had been stiffed and did not seek help from the Labor Department. Fortunately, this is not my first rodeo with these sorts of employers.
Never mind, the lack of professionalism at the beginning of the event and listening to disgruntled employees complain. I have worked with multiple catering companies in the past for extra work on the side and never experienced such listlessness towards a new hire with very little instruction. It was odd to see the person in charge giving instructions for duties as if talking to mindless drones- condescending in nature and simply abhorrent to observe on my first day. This unsavory beginning was just a prelude to the rest of my experience with Extravaganza. Upon completion of the event, the people in charge had taken off long before the event ended without notice and leaving me to play guessing games about who to report to at the end my shift. That's when I noticed Mike (the guy with a clip board) and got lucky. After l left site, I called my superior who pulled a phantom act before the event ended and left a message informing her the time I left. This event was on January 20th.
A week later, I still hadn't heard from anyone and proceeded to call ""my superior"" on her cell the next Friday leaving a message regarding a paycheck. By Monday, she hadn't returned my call. So, I left another message. Another week and three days passed before I called again. This time I left messages on Extravaganza's business line. Still, no one returned my calls.
A couple weeks later, I get a text from an acquaintance who is not an employee of Extravaganza informing me a check was ready for me in the office to pick up. How professional! Following this text, I got that phone call from my superior who I'd been leaving messages for weeks after working my first event! She sounded frantic and apologized to me claiming ""a girl"" in the office had thrown away all my information. (I only wondered how every one of my messages with verbal dictation of my phone number and caller ID were completely missed. I speak perfect English and when I speak my words aren't garbled.) Then,she proceeded to ask me if I was available for more work! No thanks. Just the check please!