I'm pretty satisfied with SOS Fuels. In the past 4 winters of service--the only complaints I would have is: (1) the company doesn't automatically set up the annual tune up with the customers who pay for it ahead of time. As busy as we get, more than a year went by without my boiler getting serviced. When I realized it and brought it up, the rep said the company sends reminders for the cust. to call in and set it up. They send it by mail on a 5X6 card that looks like an advertisement card. It looks like they're trying to sell me something and I throw it out. Maybe there is an ad and a reminder-I don't know. But it's misleading or not getting my attention and for the amount I'm paying for emergency repairs that includes an annual tune-up, it's not satisfactory.
Surely it won't happen again because I've caught on and have it on my calendar.
(2) I'm supposed to be on automatic fill. Yet I have to call it in all the time because we get too low. Pure luck has saved us from totally missing it needs a fill and calling it in.
I don't understand how they figure out the schedule of when to fill and why they haven't changed the schedule since I've called it in so many times over a one year period.
So we try a bit harder to stay on top of them. I'm 'complaining' because this is the second time I was asked to review the company. These issues weren't important enough to discuss because their service/tune up guys are GREAT. They've even helped us figure things out over the phone and get the boiler running. If I call in a delivery, they answer the phone right away and send the truck out right away. Even on 2 occasions where it fell on a weekend. I feel they are fare in their pricing and honest about costs. I use SOS because the previous owner used them. I would only look into another company if I wasn't satisfied. I have never asked around about the competition or tried to compare price or quality of service with other companies because I believe one way or another we pay ahead or we pay later for good service.