If you want all of your dental work to fail This is the place to go. 1st, I have learned that you DO NOT go to a dentist if you need a root canal, you need to see an endodontist. I made the mistake of getting on at HLD and now i need to have the tooth extracted do to such a poor job. 2nd when having a filling done they drilled so far down that the filling is touching the nerve system in the center of my tooth, now i need a root canal. I have no problems with what ever the treatment needs to be in order to do the job CORRECTLY. 3rd they did not care if the crowns fit right, it was all about how quickly can i see the next patient. I feel that they do a poor job and are more concerned about quantity over quality. Patient beware , I spent over $6000 at HLD now i have to spend another $3000 to fix their mistakes