My wife and I have been to this church several times to preach.
I find it somewhat abhorrant that those who would attempt to throw stones at this wonderful church and the family that God is using to keep it going refuse to use their names. It's real easy to throw a stone when you are anonymous. It is especially disturbing when one claims to be a licensed minister and has the gall to speak poorly of a fellow laborer without at least the courtesy of speaking to them privately. This is poor ministerial ethics and you should turn in your license and sit on a pew for a while until you learn how to treat your brothers and sisters with some modicum of respect.
I esteem the Morgans highly and respect their ministry. They have attempted to work in a negative situation and with God's help are trying to see it turn around.
You the faceless and nameless UPC minister should be ashamed of your aberrant behaviour. May God have mercy on you for throwing such an ugly stone and then hiding behind a pseudonym. That speaks very badly of you and your ministry.