I have lived here for 2 years, renting from a wonderful private owner. The problem is not my landlord, it is the HOA and managment here. A new management company took over in the fall of 2011 and the hallways, landscaping, overall cleanliness have never been worse. Due to the HUGE number of foreclosures in the GBH community, the HOA has no budget. Last summer the pool chairs started falling apart and were eventually all trashed but they were never replaced. If you want to lounge at the pool, you have to bring your own lounge. There is also a large pest problem, mostly roaches and silverfish. The community does not provide pest control, so even if you drown your entire unit in chemicals, they bugs still come in because the whole building isn't maintained. There are fireants in the grass and cracks in the sidewalks/parking lots- been biten a few times. There is dog feces everywhere. I have a small dog and often have to pick up others' poo just so my dog can have a place to do his business without tracking in poo that has been left behind. In the summer heat, the fresh smell of poo fills the air! The HOA personell at the office has talked to me in such a poor manner (worse than any one ever has) that she alone would be enough for me to recommend never living here. It could be a beautiful community, but unfortunately it is a very unpleasant place to live. Do not call this place home... there are plenty of other communities in the area that are maintained and staffed much better.