I had made an appt. for my husband at 8:45 yesterday and after we got there, they said that we didn't have an appt. and then waited 15 mins. at the front desk for them to confirm the visit, then argued with us saying that they hadn't done his blood work and I said that they did. Rude is not the word - they are s___ a___s to say the least. I worked for the State of GA and if we EVER treated the public like this office, we would have been fired. Not only are they nutcases but they don't know what they're doing. New system in place is a bunch of hooey- they are the most incompetent, idiots I've ever dealt with. The appt. secretary looks like one of the stepford wives - stoic and claimed she didn't know the woman that worked there before her. Waiting 48 hours to return a nurse call is outright preposterous!! You could die waiting for a phone call from them. If you value your health and well being - take my word for it 'GO FIND ANOTHER PRACTICE'! They should CLOSE this office down due to incompetence!! I myself am looking for another Internal Medicine Group because they're like fish - there are more in the sea!! Charge you extra $25 too if you can't make the co-pay! The doctors are trying to pay for their condos and boats and could care less about you.
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Cons: null