Finding the right child care center match can be as challenging as finding your perfect life mate-- but when you stumble upon the right one it's magic!\r
Forever Young isn't about a shiny new facility and expensive toys, its' magic lies in the people. The top notch care givers have experience ranging from 6-28 years and their formula is simple they make the children feel loved, happy and secure. Having recently adopted a baby boy, that meant the world to me and my husband.\r
When we first toured the facility we had to look past the older facade and focus on the warm faces and broad smiles greeting the babies. What amazed us was that the babies looked so content and the care givers didn't treat their work like a chore but really appeared to love the kids. This mattered more than any of the other items on my checklist but when you also throw in healthy meals provided each day, flexible hours and free diapers--we were sold.\r
Months later our little tot is as happy as a clam and has deeply bonded with the folks at Forever Young. The proof is in the pudding; parents gave me glowing recommendations dating back for many years. I am so glad I chose to listen to their advice; good people are worth their weight in gold!