Over the past twenty years, we have had water in our finished basemnt 3 times. Each time we spent a lot of effort, money, and frustration to repair the damage and replace our items. Every time it rained heavily we would wake up and run to the basement to check for water. We finally decided to take action and after doing our homework, contacted four basement waterproofing contractors for advice and estimates. We chose Everdry, not because they were the cheapest, but because of their reputation, warranty, and the professional confidence we felt they provided. This was almost three years ago (January 2010). Their crew of young men came in and worked their butts off. They did their best to keep the rest of our house and furnishings clean while they did their thing in the basement and outside around the foundation. Our bushes and shrubs were replanted. Bottom line: best decision we ever made. We now have peace of mind when it rains; especially when we are out of town.