Business for Truckers 101! Indeed, kudos to American Truck Group for offering educational material to their customers. This country is made up of small businesses and no one wants to see them fail. Small businesses are made up of dreams of the people who open them and sacrifice their time, money, and energy (just to name a few) in hopes they will grow. Kind of like planting a seed. But many people do not know how to get that seed to grow, nevermind grow well so that is provides fruit and does not die prematurely. The trucking business is hard and it will eat you alive if you go unprepared. Having some good business sense is a must if you are to sustain you business. If you don't have it, I encourage you to get it. I failed four times at running my own trucking business. I finally educated myself on running a business and at 54 years of age, I sure wish that I did it sooner.