When I was single, I was extremely irresponsible financially and otherwise. That lasted until I was about 30. Within 3 months, my girlfriend and I had twin baby girls, I was fired as the company I drove for downsized, and the rent was 2 months late. I realized that I needed more money, much more money than I was making as a company driver when I did have that job.I soon found out that my years of living irresponsibly did not leave me in a good position credit wise and I definitely needed credit (or so I thought) to help support my new family. What I actually needed was not credit, but a second chance. I found one with American Truck Group. They put me in a well-maintained Kenworth W900L with less than 500,000 miles on it. Instead of telling you a bunch of great things about this company, I wanted to relate my story because there are probably a lot of people out there in the same situation. Give ATG a call and you will see that they are the company that will help you.