This is a large office and very well run. I have an excellent Doctor and luckily for me I am in pretty good health so I primarily come in for annual physicals which can be scheduled conveniently. I did have to figure out a way to work with this office for the few times when I was sick and needed an appointment quickly. It is very hard to schedule an immediate appointment with my doctor and sometimes I can not wait a week to see her when I'm sick. At first I was given appointments with nurse practitioners which were a total train wreck. I wound up with walking pneumonia thanks to one of them. Then I found a way to work with this group and it has worked for me: I schedule an appointment with the first available doctor ( not nurse practitioner!!!!!) My records are there after all. There are even emergency appts available for Saturdays. It IS very hard to get through to a human which is annoying beyond belief, but my Drs. assistant does get back to me. This is a very busy practice, you really only want to talk with your Doctor's assistant, not with someone on the other side of the building. Honest.