7 Visits then I had my LASIK....after I my eyes were so dry and starbursts and halos everywhere...he then says after the surgery this might last up to a year.....well folks its been 3 years and I have to 9 Doctors all around the United States....all of them said you were NEVER a candidate for LASIK...you have hyperopia and other reasons why you should have never had this procedure done....my eyes are worse then before vision wise....and I have to live the rest of my life with awful halos and fogginess and the starvurts are unreal....I have migraines from these and I still had to pay for the surgery over $3,000 this guy is a CROOK and should not be practicing....others have had these problems as well...DO NOT GO TO THIS DOCTOR.....I should have known when his hands were shaking uncontrollably. I would;t wish this on ANYONE!!!!