This place needs to be shut down. They are unprofessional and lazy, my mother almost died in this place. She was over medicated and went to the hospital from insulin shock. They did not inform me of her condition the hospital did and I believe them. I have met other family members of people in this place and they are finding other places to take their family. If you are offered to take your family member there DO NOT THIS PLACE SHOULD BE CLOSED DOWN. They tell me the state was just there and nothing was found WHO ARE THEY PAYING OFF MAYBE WE SHOULD CALL IN THE ATTORNEY GENERAL TO LOOK AT THE STATE AND THIS PLACE WHO THEY ARE RELATED TO OR WHO IS GETTING PAID. Also the administrator who does not leave her office except when her boss is there maybe we should start from the top down. I also here she is now bringing her dog to the place. Is this your home or the place you work, everyone who works there should be put in jail from the top down.