I have been going to Dr. Katopes for over 20 years. I was surprised to read the posting from the guy who was asking if he is a real Doctor. Obviously, he did not do his homework. It was very easy to find out on the internet that he is not only Board Certified but a Diplomat with the American Academy of Family Practice which is the highest appointment available. He is in good standing with the Georgia State Board of Medicine as well. These credentials are not bought nor manufactured. They were earned. As a professional, I understand the time and dedication that Dr. Katopes put forth to obtain these. I trust Dr. Katopes with my healthcare and that of my family. I respect him for the large portion of his life that he has dedicated to medicine. I pray that with the hard times our country is facing in regards to healthcare,that more upcoming medical students will not be discouraged and turn away from medicine. This has already created a shortage. I encourage each person who reads this to take the time to support your Doctor. Post the GOOD outcomes and the positives. It is time we start rallying behind our medical community and all Professions who contribute to make our country the place so many want to live. And if you do feel the need to trash someone, at least educate yourself prior to doing so.