have been a patient here for many years but I think I have had enough. In the pastyear I have been routinely double billed for co pay even after showing them credit card transactions that I already paid and still get demand letters from them and even SOMEONE else's bill folded into mine once! additionally have shown up on scheduled times three times only to be told that it was a different day even when I show them the appt card they wrote or a voice recording from a vmail confirming the appt. Last straw for me was when I asked them 2 weeks ago to refill perscrips after seeing the Dr 4 weeks before and they failed to do. They then required that I set up another appt which they rescheduled twice before assigning me a time I told them I would probably be running late for, they ok'd then office mgr went on vacation. I showed up on Tues as sched to do this and even called ahead to tell them I was running 15-20 min late. Get there 20 min late and even though only 2 people in waiting room at 6pm, one had appt for 5:15, other at 5:30pm. They had not been seen and after waiting 15 min a nurse came out pulled me aside and told me that due to being 15 min late the office policy is then NOT to see me. I then had to show up next day for appt at 8, I arrive at 7:50am find out I have to wait an hour in an exam room since Dr has NOT SHOWN UP YET until after 9 am! Asked if I could even go to McD IN FRONT of them to get breakfast and told then if I did others would fill in my spot, as of 9:25 am still waiting here.