If you are an African American, Run don't Walk!. Every night instead of picking up my trash, I find my garbage can kicked over and all the garbage scattered in front of my door. I called the Police twice, concerning these incidents. I've spoken with the Office Manager, also I spoke with the HOA president Jerry Philpot, and was told, not to call him again. ""This is not an emergency"".The next night,some one poured all my garbage in front of my door and I received a violation notice. I'am will be speaking with the US Civil Rights Commission"". on possible ""Hate Crimes"". I've also requested for the walkway, to be cleaned of disgusting stains , one month, has passed, no response. Please think twice, If you are looking for a warm ,caring community-with a inviting feeling, The Gardens of Bridgehamptons , should check reviews and comments, and also learn from neighboring communities-What makes the others, a great place to reside!.