I went to key auto and got a car there about 9 months ago. I paid a 1000 dollar deposit and my payments were 279 a month. I made all my payments and kept the proper insurance. everything i did was correct. When i applied for the car i told the sales manager that my job was an exotic dancer and he didnt have a problem as long as i made my payments on time. This past christmas eve he came into my club drunk and belligerant and started demanding that i come home with him or he would have my car repoed. i told him to leave me alone but he still insisted that i leave with him or ""he would make my life hell""... The bouncer made him leave and before my shift was up he had my car repoed. when i asked why it was being repossesed i was told that ""whores dont deserve cars and i could walk"".... Thats the kind of business practices that go on at key auto when you deal with Jack Jones