I am a wounded Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran who served six years in the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS! Key Auto has given me by far the worst welcome a war hero could get. I bought a four door chevy impala sedan 2003 with over 150,000 miles. I placed a 2,000 dollar deposit and the car was sold to me at or near around 12,000 dollars. I was to pay still with this deposit 400 dollars a month for the first twelve months then 350 dollars a month for the remaining term. WOW!!! yeah I know but at the time of me signing this least I was still battling with a Traumatic Brain Injury I suffered in the Al Anbar Province of Iraq from a road side bomb. Its been a year since I agreed on the contract, also keep in mind this is my first vehicle. I have been making $400 dollar payments every month on time and in few occasions the female secretary that deals with finance will call me in the middle of the month and threaten to reposes my vehicle due to dilinquent payments. There were no dilinquent payments they just wanted to see if I was keeping tabs on my payments and wanted to see if I had my receipts. I would then go to their office with proof of my payment for that month they claimed I was delinquent and once it was all verified they would'nt even apologize, in her own words she would say, ""it wasn't my fault, the computer system made the error."" They did this to me on three seperate occasions and one time they did it on back to back months. The worst of them all was when I went to see if I could repaint the car and get my bumpers replaced and get some body work done. The body repair guy told me my vehicle was in a horrible wreck. The entire back side of my car was destroyed. I contacted key auto and asked them to show me the car fax because I felt that my vehicle was in a wreck and they told me they dont get provided with the car fax and they have no history on the car. Mind you if they sell you a car some where in the paper work it should say if the vehicle was salvaged or something like that and the title nor the paper work on my vehicle say that. My advice is stay away from this lot. It is a shame that the state of Kentucky would allow this. It is a shame for Nicholasville and its residents to have to deal with crap like this and it is a shame I fought so that criminals and scum bags like this could pray on the innocent and the weak. I say lets eliminate these bastards and turn key auto into a VET center for our returning home veterans.