Just an update on our veterinarian, Dr. J. M. Shorter. He has seen us through the many highs and few lows that we went through with our dogs Scout, Annie and Jocko. He is a great doctor and a wise adviser. We had to turn to him when we made an impulsive move and adopted a dog who is not meant to live in the city. The situation with our new girl and our old guys was becoming risky and we called Dr. Shorter on New Years Day in a panic. He opened the doors of his office to us right away and his staff has been taking care of Rosey while we find a home for her. They let us come visit/walk her and are taking care of her like she's their own.
Dr. Shorter, Dr.Kalvig and their staff are smart, decent and amazing people. We (and Rosey) love and appreciate them more than we can ever say.