Dr. Bach's vet clinic is amazing. I just got home from taking my 4 yr old cat, Bosie, there for his vacc boosters and Dr. Bach seemed really caring and professional and knowledgeable. The office was super clean (I *hate* when vet's smell like animal urine! Bach's smelled super clean, but not like disinfectant either. It was pleasant.) The staff was really nice and we had almost no wait time in the waiting room or in the patient room. \r
The only one minor negative I had was that Dr. Bach took Bosie out of the room to give him the actual shots even though he did the physical exam in the room we were in. It happened kind of quick so I was sort of taken off guard and didn't protest like I later felt like I should have...and Bosie was only out of my sight for maybe two or three minutes. If Dr. Bach didn't seem so concerned and trustworthy I might have more issue with that, and in the future I'll definitely request that I be present for all procedures (surgeries notwithstanding of c